Newsflip is a news aggregation system that uses artificial intelligence to collect, categorize and present news according to your interests.If you want to stay up-to-date on business news, stay up-to-date with the sports world, or simply check out the world’s climate, local news or world news directly on a personalized news feed. But if you just want to read your favorite sources, it’s still faster in one place. If, on the other hand, you are interested in a topic, you can choose from plenty of small and large categories.Download now for free and without registration!🔥 Latest news:Be the first to know the latest news.🔥 Trending news:Read the latest and most popular articles in all categories: entertainment, economics, finance, business, technology, science, sports, travel, fashion and politics and much more ...🔥 Customized news:The Newsflip app is powered by a real-time AI news engine that displays a selection of AI-selected content to suit your personal interests. The more you use the app, the better it works. Your preferences and personal information are completely secure because the application can be used without registration and data storage.🔥 Search for news:If you want to search for news, use the search bar and discover everything you want to know. The app’s search engine not only searches in the headlines, but interprets the news and shows the best results.With the NEWS FLIP:* Endless choice of topics *Regional or global, football, health and coaching - read the news you really care about. Follow each topic whenever you want, simply by exploring the categories.* Block resources *Want to personalize your feed even more? You can block sources you dont want to receive news by holding down the article and unsubscribing in the pop-up window.* Stay up to date *NEWSFLIP provides the latest news from the best Internet sources and allows you to read it directly on publishers websites or in an exclusive, reader-friendly mode. All your favorite newspapers, magazines, blogs and news in one app.* Sharing care *Share the most interesting and latest news with all your friends on all social networks (e.g. Facebook, Messenger, Viber, Twitter, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, etc.) Or via email and SMS.Become a member and join our social networking sites:Web: